Press kit — Platonic Partnership


Platonic Partnership is a vigorous game studio from Vaasa, Finland. We develop hard-hitting games with a twist.

“Our goal is to develop games that stay with the player long after they have put down the controller”

More info on Games


Platonic Partneship was founded in 2017 by Henri Tervapuro, Juhana Lehtiniemi, Juho Kuorikoski and Jussi Loukiainen. Back then we were developing games as a side hustle. Our first project was King of Peasant, but we quickly noticed that we would never finish the game as a part-time developers.

So we decided to make something shorter and more straight to the point. We wanted to challenge games as a medium, and came up with the idea for Lydia.

Lydia was a moderate success, and it enabled us to go full-time in October 2018. Juho left the company at the same time.

in 2020 things look quite good for Platonic Partnership. Juho joined us again (part-time) and we released Finnish version our first mobile game “Haastepeli”. Globally the game was released under name Challenge Royale.

Good Mourning was released in Steam Early Access late 2020. It will come out of Early Access in Spring 2021.

We are currently developing our next game Voltage High Society. King of Peasants is currently on hold, but we will continue it’s development in the future.

Press contact:


Platonic Partnership logos:

Voltage High Society screenshots:

Leväluhta screenshots:

Good Mourning screenshots:

Lydia screenshots:

King of Peasants screenshots:

Challenge Royale logos: